Product Overview:

The Posey Self-Releasing Wrap-Around is a high-quality positioning device which can help improve patient safety. The hook and loop closure belt can be positioned two ways; either put the closure in the front to allow the sitter to self-release, or put it in the back to allow the caregiver to release. Choose from quilted or foam Posey Self-Releasing Wrap-Around belts.

Federal law restricts this product to sale or use by or on the order of a physician. A prescription is required to complete this purchase. This product may only be shipped to a licensed healthcare facility.
This product is non-returnable due to: State and federal hygiene laws.
Doctor's Prescription (Rx) IS REQUIRED when this item ships to a Residential Address. Email your Prescription to or fax to 888-507-7326. Please write your order number on the Prescription.
Doctor's Prescription (Rx) IS NOT required when shipping to Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Doctors Offices, or Health Care Facilities.
Note: This product is for sale in the United States only and is ineligible for International Shipping.

Product Specifications / Dimensions

Product Options:

Posey SR Wrap-Around, Choose One, Single

Quilted, Small-Medium
sku: PO-3658S-M
Quilted, Medium-Large
sku: PO-3658M-L
Quilted, X-Large
sku: PO-3658XL
Quilted, XX-Large
sku: PO-3658XXL

Posey SR Wrap-Around, Choose One, Bundled

Quilted, Small-Medium, Qty 6
sku: PO-3658S-M(6)
Quilted, Medium-Large, Qty 5
sku: PO-3658M-L(5)
Quilted, X-Large, Qty 4
sku: PO-3658XL(4)
Quilted, XX-Large, Qty 4
sku: PO-3658XXL(4)

Additional Documentation on This Product

More Information

The Posey Self-Releasing Wrap-Around is available in four sizes in quilted fabric for chair use, and in two sizes in foam for bed, chair, and stretcher use. Machine washable.

On a stretcher, the foam belts can be used for temporary patient positioning. In chairs, either belt can be used to help residents with minimal upper trunk control sit up during meals or socialization when placed around the chest. When placed over the lower lap, the Wrap-Around can also be used to prevent forward sliding.

  Posey Self-Releasing Wrap-Around Picture PO-3659L

Posey Self-Releasing Wrap-Around Picture PO-3658S-M


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