Caregiver University Search for "ipu"

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Headed home from the hospital soon, or worried about your recovery process? We're laid out some of the best tips, tricks, and tools to make the whole process safer, easier, and more comfortable for both yourself and your loved ones. 

Tired of miracle cures for sleeplessness? We're here to offer you science-based techniques for better relaxation, deeper sleep, and a better night's rest. Each of these helpful tips is great for people of all ages, backed by user testimonials, and requires no fancy equipment or supplements so they're totally free and easy. You've got nothing to lose!

For children with special needs, accessibility ensures that they're able to engage and interact with their peers and communities, helping keep them happy and healthy. Here are our four best tips on how to make spaces more accessible for people with special needs!

Chronic pain is something millions of people live with on a daily basis, but unfortunately, so many traditional treatments are not only ineffective, they can be addictive and dangerous. We outline some of the best new tools for pain relief in 2019 that require no surgeries and no medications. Read more to find out how they work and how you can get your hands on them!

Dizziness, stumbling, feelings of overstimulation, and poor balance can all be symptoms of vestibular damage or dysfunction. Vestibular therapy is a specialized treatment that helps improve our sense of balance and fights the negative symptoms that can occur with poor vestibular function. These tools are the best of the best, helping you to choose a great solution for your needs.

People going through hand therapy need functional tools that are easy to use and easy to access so that they can get back to their regular lives. To make finding and choosing them easy, we selected five of the best from our catalog. Read on to learn what we picked and why!

Adult sensory toys are a great strategy to help individuals manage their sensory processing difficulties. Participating in actions and activities that make us feel secure and comfortable can help regulate our overall well-being and help us operate and interact at our best. We all deserve to achieve our highest potential. If you’re suffering from a sensory processing disorder or simply looking to achieve an optimal state of being, consider a product to target your sensory processing centers and give your brain the input it craves and deserves.

Power assist devices are very dynamic devices that add life and color to the lives of users by providing automatic wheelchair movement for manual wheelchairs. They also provide easier movement, enabling the user to travel farther distances with considerably less effort! Our product experts give their top three selections in this article.

To equip students with special needs to reach their highest academic potential, the classroom environment has to address their challenges and provide solutions so they can focus on school. To choose the best school desk for your child’s needs, do your research to find the perfect fit. Height-adjustable desks deliver flexibility, which is especially convenient if more than one child will be using a chair. Our product experts give their top recommendations in this article.

As the most common form of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease adversely affects memory and other cognitive abilities, causing a decline in these faculties that can be slow, fast, or seem to happen in bursts. Because so many individuals and families have been directly impacted by Alzheimer’s and other dementias, there is an ever-increasing flow and supply of valuable knowledge to help you and your loved ones live better with this disease.

Our veteran population experiences severe and chronic pain 40% more often than non-veterans, but medical professionals recommend exhausting non-invasive methods before trying more serious pain killers and surgery. Read more to find out what our 7 favorite pain-relieving devices are and how they can be used to get relief!

The Cervico2000 by Meditrac is a unique cervical traction device that allows the wearer full freedom of movement while delivering powerful traction forces. It is commonly used for cervical ailments like torticollis, disc disease, and whiplash injury.

The use of a CPM machine can be a highly beneficial treatment intervention to improve joint mobility, reduce pain, increase local circulation and reduce post-operative adhesions. When choosing the most appropriate CPM, consider the application site, planes of movement offered, device setup, and patient goals. Continuous passive motion can help you regain function, manage pain and optimize your quality of life.

In a world where we increasingly rely on technology and digital devices, it is critically important Enabling devices are accessible to all people. This is where companies like Enabling Devices can provide such a benefit to the lives of people with different levels of ability. Our product experts give their top recommendations in this article.

There are a range of hand controls to help individuals with disabilities modify their vehicles for easier and safer use. Each person will benefit from different hand controls based on their specific impairment. Our product experts give their top recommendations in this article.

If you or your loved one is having difficulty with traditional eating utensils, there is a solution. Adaptive eating utensils combat an array of challenges and help users eat independently, but you may need assistance choosing. Rehabmart is here to help, guiding you through what you need to know to choose the best tools for your unique needs.

Hearing aids help people to hear and communicate more clearly and come in several different styles to suit various degrees of hearing loss. They’re much more accessible and affordable since the FDA established its historic rule in August 2022, allowing many hearing aids to be sold directly to consumers over-the-counter (OTC). This guide covers all the essential information you need to know to select the best hearing aid for yourself or a loved one.

For a variety of reasons, physical therapy floor exercises are better performed on an elevated table. Whether it’s due to a patient’s mobility issues or a therapist’s most comfortable position to deliver treatment, a mat table opens up the benefits of floor exercises even when not on the floor. Our product experts give their top recommendations in this article.

Need help bathing patients with limited mobility? Shower gurneys are the answer. Versatile, waterproof designs and durable construction maintain longevity while a range of features and accessories ensure that there's a perfect gurney out there for every patient's needs. Whether in a large hospital or a private home, shower gurneys can provide a great way to keep patients and caregivers safe and comfortable.

A bedside commode benefits anyone who can’t safely get to a toilet or bathroom. Having this device close by for people who spend a lot of time in bed helps reduce the risk of injury due to a fall on the way to the bathroom. Our product experts give their top recommendations in this article.